Sclera's history in a nutshell
Our new website goes online. This 3rd version was designed by Sam Serrien, Kim Willaert & Geert Barzin with support from 'These Days'.
Through temprary financial support from the provence of Antwerp, Sclera npo can expand its service to include advice and education. These new services are named 'Iris visualisations' and 'Pupil education'.
Sclera vzw wordt opgericht. De Raad van bestuur bestaat uit Sam Serrien, Geert Barzin en Kim Willaert. Het dagelijks bestuur wordt opgenomen door Bart Serrien en Martine Harre.
De vzw maakt werk van één van haar actiepunten: sensibiliseren en informeren rond het recht op communicatie op maat. Sclera ontwikkelt een infostand en neemt deel aan beurzen, congressen,….
A new version of the website goes online. This website was created by Geert Barzin.
The symbols make their online appearance, Sclera Symbols is born.
The name 'sclera' refers to the white part of an eye. We chose this because of the white on black coloured symbols and because the eye is the link with visualizing words with symbols.
Because of a practical need for more and new symbols in daycare centre Terninck, Bart Serrien designs a few symbols.
On a lecture about symbols, Bart is encouraged by Modem to share these symbols with others.